Sunday, March 6, 2011

Guided Reading Lesson Plans

I finally finished my plans for next week! Good thing it is raining here because it took all day. That is one part of being a semi-new teacher that still gets to me. It takes me a LONG time for me to plan when I do my best job, partly because I spend the majority of my time stalking blogs instead of writing my own plans. But as I stalked blogs today I decided I would post an example of my guided reading lesson plans. These are the plans I use with each of my 4 reading groups. I typically see 3 groups a day. My two lower groups I see 5 times a week. My other two groups I see 3-5 times, depending on the skills and the week. So basically I write what you see below at the beginning of the week and then each morning I pull out books for the day based on what I noticed from yesterday's small group instruction. Then I just fill out the "New Read" part of the planner. I find it easy to plan ahead for word study and writing, but I like to plan my guided reading books before school each day. It's just something that I have found works for me.


  1. I love how you break each day up into the different areas! Do you have a set curriculum for your word work? I usually follow our spelling pattern, but most of my kiddos are missing the more basic skills like vowel work and blends- I think our Harcourt spelling is a little difficult!

  2. We use Houghton Mifflin, however we don't really follow their word work sequence. Basically I use Words their Way and then supplement with other phonics and phonemic awareness books based on the students' weekly assessments. I will totally admit that I wish I had a better and more set curriculum to follow.

  3. Can you post a link to this? I love it!

  4. Hi Lucy...I thought the picture was a link...I think I fixed it now, so you should be able to click on the screen saved image and it will bring you to google docs where you can download the lesson plan format. Thanks for asking for it!!
