Monday, September 5, 2011

The Night Before First Grade

I think the first week of school is one of the hardest to plan. I feel so much pressure to teach policies and procedures clearly so that students understand how the room will work. I also know that the first six weeks and even the first day alone are a huge predictor regarding the tone of your room.  I have to say that writing my "Procedures Manual" over the summer was a huge help in pulling together my plans for the first week of school. Since I already had the little details thought through, it was easy to plug procedures into my plans for the week that need to be explicitly taught.

I'm nervous tonight, but a veteran teacher told me that if you aren't nervous something is wrong. I'll take the butterflies in my stomach as a good sign! It's been a long summer of planning but tomorrow it will all be worth it. I can't wait to meet my class and set the tone for a great year in first grade!

Here is a link to my first week's plans. {Auntie, if you are reading this please look them over and let me know what you think!} Nothing too special, but I always like to look and see what other teachers cover during the first week. The picture above shows some of the read alouds that I plan on using to reinforce our class rules/good citizenship.

That's all for now. Good luck to all the teachers going back to school tomorrow. Time for me to go plan my first day of school outfit!

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