Sunday, January 8, 2012

Getting Ready to Travel Around the World!

This week (in the midst of testing) we are going on an adventure around the world. This unit correlates with Virginia SOL 1.6 which covers how the location of a place (community, climate, phsysical surroundings) affect the way people live (including their food, clothing, shelter, transportaiton, and recreation). Yikes! That is an involved standard!

Last year we went on an adventure around the world. I choose different locations with varying climates and phsyical surroundings to show the students how these things affect they way people live. I'm sticking to three unique locations:
  • Hawaii (Warm climate with water and various landforms)
  • Antarctica (Cold climate with water)
  • Desert (Varying climate with few landforms)
Each day we will either watch a video clip (I LOVE United Streaming!!) or read a book about each location. Then as a class we will make a table charting the kinds of transportation, recreation, shelter, animals, and clothing specific to each location. 

Last year I made a quick (a.k.a UGLY and PLAIN) passport for my students to track their adventure. This year I decided to spice it up a bit. Check it out below! I'm hoping to post some pictures of our anchor chars and student work at the end of the week. Is this a standard for you? What activities have you found work pertaining to this concept?

Day 1: Hawaii: We will watch video clips showing this tropical location including a "how to" hula segment!

Day 2: Antarctica: This is perfect timing since next week we'll be starting our penguin unit. We'll look at some pictures on the smart board and read a book on Antarctica.

Day 3: The Desert: For this location we'll be watching some video clips on United Streaming. I also plan on checking out books from the library on each of these locations to put in the classroom library for browsing during literacy work stations.

Day 4: Finally we'll return home and review about our hometown and how it's location affects us.
Here is my assessment piece; a quick survey to see what students have learned about a particular location.

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