Phew! I was so busy this first week of school I barely had time to snap a few pictures. Let's just say I am SO glad that the first week is over. I've decided I don't like the first day of school. I am not fond of the unknown and like to be on a schedule, so needless to say I'm looking forward to the second week of school and getting to know my little ones and our new schedule!
Here are some of the read alouds from the first week. Officer Buckle and Gloria was great for our class rules discussion. I used Click Clack Moo to introduce writer's workshop and why we write. |
I have a very active group of kiddos this I know we'll be having many discussion on carpet behavior. Here is the "Reading Together" anchor chart that we made on Day 2, inspired from our Making Meaning reading program. |
Sorry this picture is blurry...but I loved how this classroom rules activity went so I had to post it. First we watched a clip from United Streaming, called "No Rules" and talked about why we have rules. Then I called on students to tell me a rule they thought we should have. I wrote their rule on an index card. Then we sat in a circle and sorted their rules under 5 categories (Be kind, Be respectful, Be a hard worker, Be a good listener, Be responsible). Although it took a second for them to understand each category, the sorting provided some great conversations and gave the students some more concrete examples of what each of our 5 rules means. Then I posted the 5 rules on our front bulletin board for daily reference. |
Our first try at math work stations went well. On Day 3 of school I talked about dot plates and modeled how to play "Compare." Then I had the students practice playing "Compare" in partners before moving the plates into a work station. They loved this station and did a great job! I am slowly introducing content stations. Right now we still have a lot of manipulatives in each station, which I will slowly change out this week with more number sense activities. |
I love how our math station rules came out. I had the kids help me write the rules and posted them on our math wall. |
One of our morning messages from the first week of school |
Looks like a successful first week!